
Monday, 15 June 2015

I N S P I R E D B Y B A L M A I N | Tribute Review

Another brand new tribute store for the Plaza today, this time Inspired by Balmain! I'm not really a hardcore Balmain follower or have ever been, so I had no expectations upon opening the store, which I kinda feel like is the way to go! But from the homepage ad I do quite like the look of it - not the background, not a fan of that car, but onto the store:
I feel like this is quite a mix-match store of pieces, to me there doesn't seem to be a certain theme amongst the clothing, although others may disagree. I haven't seen much said about this store really, and what I have seen are mostly complaints on FB about how disappointed people are with the store. I don't get disappointment from it at all - of course I won't love every single piece, I never go into a store expecting that I will, but I do love some pieces and those are what I ended up buying.
There is a pretty good selection of accessories with the store, including belts jewellery and shoes, I could definitely use another couple of bags though, because although the Studded Crossbody Purse is great, a clutch or something would be nice^ The belts are definitely interesting pieces and I might purchase both the Tortoiseshell Belt and the Crystal Wide Belt to give a go at styling them, because they could be worked into something really great I think =)
Clothing-wise the store is much more of a mixed bag for me, some of the pieces are just a bit too out-there and I don't think I could style very well, namely the skirts really, but for the bottom half I did fall in love with the Striped Bianca Trousers which you can see styled a little later in this post! Other than that, only the Citrus Woven Dress really stood out to me to buy - it's not my usual sort of piece, but the orange colour really struck me and drew my eye, it's one of those odd pieces that exist in every collection that not many people buy and then it comes back into fashion later on, that's just my opinion though!
And finally two features - didn't really see many looks including the collection that I really fell for, but these caught my eye!


  1. I personally LOVE the collection. I would buy it all if I had the money! (well, almost all)
    I end up buying 6 things but still left some on my wishlist for later. I do think the same as you, the belts are great pieces that we can use to style good outfits. The orange dress also caught my eye, but I thought it wouldnt be very versatile so I didnt buy. And about the bags, totally right also.

    That being said, I love your first outfit! Very original and different from what I would have done with those pants (that I thought I didnt like but after seing your first outfit im reconsidering haha).

    Great tribute in my opinion!

    - mirdith

  2. Tributes released this year are pretty good. Keep going! :D
    Great outfits. Here's mine:

    1. http://pl.tinypic.com/r/ap9wy9/8

      Link doesn't work. How about this?

    2. Link doesn't work

  3. This tribute is very stylish. I love especially the Red Fire Blazer. It is fantastic! I really needed a red blazer in my closet.
    I also love the skirts and the orange dress - it is very unique.
    About the accessories, I really like the bags.
    I'll buy a lot from this store.

    Anyway, I love how you've styled these trousers! Now I wanna buy also these. Great job!

    And the two features are simply chic!

  4. Great review Kirsten :) as always! Oh and I ADORE Balmain, this tribute is going to be the best in a long time and the quality of clothes is on point!

  5. I love this collection
