
Wednesday 17 September 2014

Be Yo'self

Yet another amazing Suite from Marbum - I love this one so much, it looks so simple, yet it'sbeen pretty complex to make with those doors, honestly I've no idea how people come up with great ideas just like that! *Please don't copy as that wouldn't be the kind, supportive thing to do!* But this is a bit of a double whammy post - I love love love her outfit too! The skirt and top were pretty much made for each other, but the top has been taken one step further with a little added creativity, it's great! Plus that lip colour AND hairstyle?!?! Just perfection!!!


  1. OMG! Such an amazing outfit! *o*
    And the background is incredible as well!

  2. I love what she did with the top! This is just flawless
