
Tuesday 1 January 2019

W E L C O M E 2 0 1 9 !

Hello to a brand new year - it's 2019! I hope your 2018's were good and everyone had an enjoyable end of the year with Christmas and New Years celebrations. Time for a little chat and a blog update - plus a brand new header, I did this last year too and enjoy using the start of the year to freshen the look of the blog, I hope you like it =D

Like last year, this one is simple again, we're sticking with the features format that works, posting a new feature every day at 1:30PM UK time - I love having this and it's fun to feature new dolls and styles and fashion or interior ideas with everyone. 

Guest Writers
In 2018 we stuck with AudreyHepburn. and Miloshki who posted in specific time slots and I think this worked out really nicely for everyone - this year we're adding in a new Guest Writer! I searched for 2 but just have 1 confirmed at the moment, you'll be seeing something from this individual soon =D We're still happy to welcome a second new Guest Writer too, you can find out how to apply on our Facebook Page if you're interested!

In 2018 we switched from We Wear Hotbuys posts, styling each HB on the day of release and having a reader poll, to just having a monthly Hotbuy Review at the end of each month, and I absolutely love this change! It worked really well for me and allowed each piece to have more of my focus. These posts have 'First Impressions' with features and stylings too. It worked out super well and I want to keep this the same for 2019 too =D

Also in 2018 I stopped doing daily content posts, looking back I have no idea how I managed to get a post out every day! It's crazy because I can't imagine doing it again. I swapped to 4 posts a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday) and often included additional posts when there were more releases of interest of things I wanted to post about. This has worked really well for me and has allowed a good balance - I wanted to have more time to work on graphics, and that hasn't really happened unfortunately, so it's something I will try to do in 2019 whilst keeping the same 4-posts-a-week format and these posts will still go up at 8PM UK time.
Monthly Posts
Each month there are a set set of posts - the WEARING post comes out first every month, then there are also Hotbuys Revisited, Plaza Picks, Save or Sell, 1 Piece 1 Week and lastly the Hotbuys Review - I've introduced some of these segments over 2018 and I'm delighted to continue them and go with this set each month going into 2019 too =)

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