
Saturday 2 April 2022

L I M I T E D E D I T I O N | Styled By / / Styled By You

Ok so it's been a month since this brand new LE collection was released in the Plaza on the 18th February, and I've been trying to write a review all this time - I just can't do it! I'm not enthusiastic enough about the collection as a whole to get aa review out of it, so instead changing to a 'styled' post so I can still show off the fabulous stylings that I found amongst the members and showcase my own looks.
First up is sarah_1980 styling the Whiteblouse Man and Gold Bag in such a stylish Spring look, it's perfect for the season! These trousers are a perfect colour match for the shirt, and the styles are wonderful together, it's like they were made for each other. The belt bag is great in the middle, adding a little shape in a complementary way. The rest of the accessories are also stylish, love the glam added in these nude shoes and I think the earrings are such a fun touch^ The gold bag is a stand out finishing touch =)
Next up is harpie who also wears the Whiteblouse Man, but this time adds the Gold Earrings - this shirt is so versatile, I have some regrets about not getting it now! Love it layered over these neutral loose trousers, the two loose styles work very nicely together and I don't think it's too much because of the shape added at the waist with the belts, they look fab! I like the contrast of the black accessories with the light colours, it's something I think works well for so many different styles of outfits. The earrings add a delicate touch, as does the sheer undershirt added in the neckline, really love that touch to the outfit!
Pretty in pink with brevis styling up the Gold Earrings and Gold Bag - what a cute accessory pairing! And I'm all about this pink, it looks fabulous =D The short dark hairstyle is perfect for showing off these earrings, they really shine and I think are great with the feathering details along the trims of the jacket. Also love the thin belt added, perfect touch to tie in with the accessories. The gold bag is also beautiful agains the pink, I think it really pops well and I need to try out this combination for sure^ 
The penultimate feature is from HeraKowall who wears the Red Trousers and Lady Bag, really a classic pairing from this release the two were totally made for each other. The dark detailing on the bag makes it easy for some darker pieces to be incorporated into the look, this blouse is a great example! The red and white print pop well in the styling and it's a piece I've not seen styled much, now is its time to shine =) Love the black pointed shoes, the belt and the glasses too. The white of the bag then pops with the use of these blazer pieces, the light colour makes it work well for a Spring styling as well, I love it!
The final feature comes from millaxx, who styled up two looks and I just couldn't pick only one to include! First is the Silver Vest Man which I did think about buying briefly, but I know I could never pull it off as well as this! It looks fab in this open-neck trench and really adds some glamour to any type of styling. The black bra layered below is perfect for some coverage and also for adding more black in the styling, these leather-look leggings are great there^ Also love the accessories, this bag and the earrings are a great touch against the vest! Then the second look is with the Black Pearls Bag in a more street-style vibe, which I also love^ The pearls pop well against the darker colours in the look, especially this green, what a poppin' combination! The accessories are super fitting with the style of the bag, love the layered necklaces, earrings and belt with it. A flat boot like this pair never really crosses my mind to style but I think these look great in this styling, love them with the whole combination =D
Now for my own looks. These use all of the pieces I bought and I'm pretty happy with my choices from the collection. First up are the Red Trousers, which I did struggle with a little but I'm pretty pleased with this pink combination! The shirt style works really well with that of the trousers and of course I couldn't resist choosing my favourite pale pink accessories to match. I do love these red glasses with the trousers, the colour is almost a perfect match so I know I will be using the pairing again for sure! The second look uses both the Gold Earrings and Lady Bag - the earrings are versatile so I'm quite sure they could have worked in any of these stylings. I focused the look more on the bag using whites, blacks and reds and I love the outcome^ This was super easy to put together so I know this bag will work well in my collection. The little gold hardware details on the bag work well for adding the earrings to this styling. Finally is the Black Pearls Bag, which I think might be my favourite piece from the collection, it's a tough decision! I decided to go super classic with black and white for this one, I simply love it =D The texture of the bag does well to stand out against the black of these trousers, and I think the shirt adds a light but fun touch on the top half of the look. Loved accessorising this one so much, these black and pearl shoes are fabulous with the bag and of course I have a few pairs of pearl earrings to choose from which really pop against this hairstyle, I love it^ 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for taking me into account, you are always right my dear.
