And here it is, the first stand alone Tribute store of the season - Gucci! I'm pretty happy because Gucci is for sure one of the brands that I really like, and I've gotten some fab pieces from the Gucci stores in the Plaza in the past. Love the advertising, the pink hue draws me in immediately!
Highlights The release is just one floor, with 6 female looks and 1 male, which seems a little small for a Tribute. The pieces do seem to fit together very nicely, and bold colours link the collection very nicely - overall it's a pretty good release, but not the best we've had from Gucci.
Accessories The store has a pretty good mix of accessories to choose from, with shoes, bags, jewellery and more! Whilst I really quite love the idea of the
RTW SS 2020 Suede Shoes Green and
Blue, I know I won't get a lot of wear of them - I love the idea of suede boots though, super retro and definitely styles that will work well for some people. I do quite like the other pairs of shoes, the
RTW SS 2020 Ankle Boots are really cute in white, and I like the strap and gold detailing across the foot, and also the
RTW SS 2020 Black Sandals which are a super smart court shoe, love the chain and gold detailing along with the small chunky heel.
There are 3 bags in the store, so far I've not bought any, but I do have my eye on the
RTW SS 2020 Spiked Handbag, it's got a very cool geometric shaping to it, which we don't have a lot of, and while from afar the spikes don't look so much like spikes, they do give a good detail to the piece. I love all the options of sunglasses in the store, you can get the
RTW SS 2020 Glasses in
Beige or
Orange, but the major problem is that they're beauty parlor only items, which personally I don't like, as I'll forget about them quite quickly when looking for pieces to include in looks (I go for suite jewellery almost 100% of the time), so that's a little disappointing to see there's not a suite option for them. There are also some gloves and hats available, great for those who like that sort of thing, but the last piece to mention is the
RTW SS 2020 Big Earring (which can be bought in multiple for those who like a matching pair), I really like this piece, gold is my favourite for jewellery and I think this is a beautiful simplistic design that will work with a lot of outfits. Again the only issue is that it's also beauty parlor only.
Clothing Now onto the clothing, where your eyes are really drawn all over the store by the colours, which is great! I love trousers a lot, there are plenty of options in the release and with matching pieces too. The
RTW SS 2020 Green Pants are paired with the
Green Jacket, in this pairing I definitely just like the Pants, they're high waisted and straight legged and look super smart. For my style the pairing of the
RTW SS 2020 Orange Whool Pants and
Coat is much better, I love these
Pants so much, they're again high waisted but have a rolled hem which looks so good^ The
Coat has a military style, I really like all the buttons, the large collar and the jewelled bug on the shoulder. The final pair of trousers are the
RTW SS 2020 Suit Pants, which don't come with a matching jacket, but they're pretty good, I like the loose and masculine style. The navy colour is fab and very wearable, and I like the little detail of the tag on the hem of one leg, they definitely do well to stand out - and there's a male version of these too!

There is also a skirted co-ord to be had, the
RTW SS 2020 Sheer Pink Shirt and
Flowy Skirt, I adore this set so much, the pink is just beautiful^ The
Skirt has such a great slender fit on the doll, it looks fantastic on - I'm determined to make these pieces work well for me despite them being sheer! I also very much like the second skirt in the release, the
RTW SS 2020 Sheer Skirt because lilac is fab =) It's another sheer piece, but is more loose than the
Pink option, it comes to just below the knee and has a little split up one leg. I've seen a few people wear this already, it seems a popular choice. The
RTW SS 2020 Blazer is a super cool piece, I love this dusted pink shade and who can resist a gold trim?! It's an open style oversized blazer, and is another piece I've seen a lot of people wear. The final piece to mention is the
RTW SS 2020 Sleek Black Dress - now I haven't bought this yet, and I haven't seen anyone wear this yet, but something is really attracting me to the style. It's a complete maxi and covers you from neck to ankles. I love the ruffle bow detailing down from the neck, it looks very stylish. But I don't think it offers many options for versatility, which is why I think not many people have chosen this yet - it will be all about the accessories with this one!
Prices This release ranges from 14 to 29SD's, which is pretty much on par with previous Tribute releases. No pieces are SS or Royalty limited, the only limit is the time the store will be available in the Plaza, which should be around a month.
Styled Outfits I had a lot of fun with these pieces, I think they'll do well in my wardrobe! First up the
RTW SS 2020 Suit Pants which I really love a lot - I styled them up minimally with navy and black, because I can't get enough of this combination this season. I love that the little patch on the hem of the trousers really pops in this look. Next up the
RTW SS 2020 Green Pants which are subtle-y a little festive^ I love this neutral combination for them, it's something that makes colours like green work out really nicely in stylings. The long length makes them look such a smart piece, and I've continued that with the coat. Choosing gold for accessories, I love this combination, it works very well with the green =) And finally the
RTW SS 2020 Flowy Skirt, which I've layered up with bicycle shorts and long boots to beat the sheer fabric of the piece, it works but I think there's some more creative ways to play with this piece. I just
had to do an all pink styling, and I think it works out nicely, love this sweater with the skirt and I think the look fits in nicely with this whole set of stylings =)

Features And for a few super cool features now, this first one is from
filipa-ferraz styling the
RTW SS 2020 Sheer Pink Shirt in a very cool street-styling. The fishnet tights look very cool under the long length of the shirt. Love the white and silver accessories, especially these boots, they are fabulous^ The tattoo's work well in this styling, I think they really bring something to the look and work well with the sheer fabric of the piece =)
And then we have
Mia1435 wearing the
RTW SS 2020 Sheer Skirt, also in street-style but bringing in some Asian vibes with this setting^ I love the additional sheer added with this top, the fabric and styling fits well with the skirt. The polka dots are a very cool addition to the look, they follow through the whole styling perfectly, so much love for the combination, plus the mint green of the bag!