Monday saw a new injection of clothing and accessories into It Girls, it's been a while since we've had one there, so it was most welcome from me! I love the homepage advert, I think it shows off the key pieces released but in a minimalistic way - it just makes me wanna buy them and wear my hair and makeup like that!
So here's the floor of pieces - there's a nice mix of items there, although I do think some pieces don't fit into the collection as well as others do. The collection has some clear winners, namely the Beckham Faux Fur Coat (It's SS only unfortunately, but it's worth the price!) and the Deep V Wrap Dress. Prices are a little high for the store and some of the designs I think, ranging from 7 to 26, with all clothing above the teens in SD's and only two accessory pieces in coins (and I'm not a fan of these two pairs of shoes really.) In the end I bought 4 items and even then it still came to over 60SD's which I was a little shocked about - and that wasn't even including the 26SD Beckham Faux Fur Coat which I am looking forward to buying if I renew my membership!
Overall I'd say most of the collection is versatile enough for everyone to make some good looks with and to slip it seamlessly into your current wardrobes =)
Hopefully Styled Outfits will come soon, but I'm very busy and tired so we'll have to see =)